Fat Transfer

Fat Transfer with Dr. Fasano: Precision, Safety, and Natural Enhancement

At Dr. Fasano’s clinic, we offer advanced fat transfer treatments designed to sculpt your body and enhance your natural features. Using cutting-edge ultrasound-guided technology, Dr. Fasano ensures that fat is transferred with pinpoint precision, making this method the safest and most effective technique available. This approach is the only one endorsed by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), ensuring you receive the highest standards of care.

Why Choose Ultrasound-Guided Fat Transfer?

Dr. Fasano’s use of ultrasound guidance allows him to see exactly where the fat is being placed during the procedure, ensuring a more accurate and controlled fat transfer. This technique greatly reduces the risk of complications, such as fat embolism, while enhancing the precision of the results. By visualizing the tissue in real time, Dr. Fasano can avoid sensitive structures and place the fat exactly where it’s needed to achieve natural-looking, harmonious results.

The Benefits of Ultrasound-Guided Fat Transfer:

Enhanced Safety: Ultrasound technology provides real-time visualization, making this the safest method of fat transfer available. This technique is recognized by BAAPS as the gold standard in fat grafting procedures.

  • Precision Placement: By seeing where the fat is going, Dr. Fasano can ensure it is evenly distributed, creating smoother and more natural contours.
  • Dual Benefits: Not only does the treatment enhance the target area, but liposuction from the donor area sculpts and refines your body.
  • Natural Results: Because your own fat is used, the results are softer, more natural, and longer-lasting compared to synthetic alternatives.


Fat Transfer for Different Areas:

  • Breast Enhancement: Achieve fuller, natural-looking breasts without the need for implants.
  • Muscle Enhancement: Achieve fuller, natural-looking muscular arms, deltoids, trapezius, chest and calves without the need for implants.
  • Buttock Augmentation: Enhance your curves safely and naturally with the popular Brazilian Butt Lift, guided by ultrasound precision (now called “Safe Gluteal Lopofilling” or SGL)

The Process:

  1. Consultation: Dr. Fasano will discuss your goals and assess the areas for fat removal and transfer.
  2. Liposuction: Fat is gently removed from areas like the abdomen or thighs, then processed and purified for transfer.
  3. Precise Fat Injection with Ultrasound Control: Using real-time ultrasound imaging, Dr. Fasano will carefully inject the fat into the desired areas, ensuring optimal placement for natural and lasting results.

Recovery & Results:

You may experience some swelling and bruising, but thanks to the precision of ultrasound guidance, recovery is often quicker and more comfortable. Over the following weeks, the transferred fat will integrate into your body, providing lasting, natural enhancement. Dr. Fasano will provide you with personalized post-operative care instructions to ensure the best possible recovery and results.

Enhance your body with confidence, knowing that Dr. Fasano’s ultrasound-guided fat transfer technique combines cutting-edge technology with artistic precision for safe, natural-looking results.


During your consultation with our expert Doctors you will learn all about the treatments suitable for you and your body. Patients sometimes visit our Manchester Clinic with multiple areas of concern.

Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, is a procedure where fat is harvested from one area of your body using liposuction and then purified and reinjected into areas that need volume, such as the breasts, buttocks, or face. Dr. Fasano uses ultrasound guidance during this process to ensure precise fat placement for natural and safe results.

Fat transfer can be used to add volume to several areas, including:

  • Breasts for natural enhancement.
  • Buttocks for a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL).
  • Face to restore lost volume and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Muscles to enhance their volume and contour
  • This versatility makes it an excellent option for patients seeking natural contouring.

Ultrasound guidance allows Dr. Fasano to see exactly where the fat is being placed during the procedure, significantly improving accuracy and safety. This minimizes the risk of complications like fat embolism, ensures even fat distribution, and avoids sensitive structures like blood vessels. It is the only fat transfer method endorsed by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS).

Fat transfer results can be long-lasting, but the body may reabsorb a percentage of the transferred fat in the initial months which varies from patient to patient. Typically, the results that remain after 3-6 months are considered permanent. Dr. Fasano’s ultrasound-guided technique helps maximize fat retention for optimal, lasting results. A second transfer may be require to enhance the results of the first surgery.

Patients typically experience minimal discomfort during the procedure due to the use of local and general anaesthesia. Post-procedure, some swelling, bruising, and soreness in both the donor and recipient areas are normal but generally manageable. Dr. Fasano provides detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Most patients can return to normal activities within 2 weeks, depending on the size of the area treated. Mild swelling and bruising may persist for a few weeks, but these gradually subside. Dr. Fasano’s ultrasound-guided approach can also reduce recovery time compared to traditional fat transfer methods.

You may be a good candidate for fat transfer if you:

  • Have excess fat in areas like the abdomen, thighs, or flanks.
  • Desire natural enhancement in areas like the breasts, buttocks, or face.
  • Prefer a minimally invasive procedure with long-lasting results.

A consultation with Dr. Fasano will help determine if this is the best option for your specific needs and goals.

The amount of fat that can be transferred varies depending on the donor area, the volume needed in the target area, and the ability of the target area to expand. Dr. Fasano will assess your individual case during the consultation and explain how much fat can be safely and effectively transferred to achieve your desired results.

The fat transfer procedure typically leaves very minimal scarring. The small incisions used for liposuction and fat injection heal well and are strategically placed in less noticeable areas. Over time, these scars fade, becoming almost imperceptible.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of areas being treated and the amount of fat being transferred. On average, the procedure takes between 2 to 4 hours. Dr. Fasano’s ultrasound-guided technique ensures efficient, precise fat transfer while maintaining patient safety.

After a fat transfer procedure, particularly a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), it’s crucial to avoid putting pressure on the treated area for at least 2 weeks. This is because the newly transferred fat cells need time to establish a blood supply in their new location. Sitting directly on the area can compress the fat cells, leading to poor fat survival or uneven results. Dr. Fasano will recommend using a special cushion (BBL pillow) that allows you to sit without putting pressure on the buttocks.

A BBL pillow is a specially designed cushion that supports the thighs while keeping pressure off the buttocks, allowing you to sit without damaging the transferred fat. You’ll need to use the pillow for about 2-3 weeks post-surgery, or as advised by Dr. Fasano, to ensure the best possible fat survival and prevent any complications.

It is recommended to avoid sleeping on your back for at least two weeks after a BBL. Sleeping on your stomach or sides helps avoid putting pressure on the newly transferred fat cells, ensuring better retention and survival. Using supportive pillows can help maintain a comfortable sleeping position during this recovery phase.

Light activities, such as walking, can usually be resumed a few days after surgery to promote circulation. However, more strenuous activities, including exercise and heavy lifting, should be avoided for at least 6 weeks. Dr. Fasano will provide a tailored recovery plan to help you gradually return to normal activities while protecting your results.

The fat survival rate can vary, but typically around 60-80% of the transferred fat cells are expected to survive long-term. The use of ultrasound guidance, as Dr. Fasano employs, helps increase fat retention by ensuring precise and careful placement of the fat, minimizing trauma to the cells during transfer.

In some cases, a second fat transfer procedure may be necessary to achieve your desired results, especially if a significant amount of fat is reabsorbed during the healing process. Dr. Fasano will monitor your progress closely and recommend additional treatments if needed to refine your results.

Compression garments are an essential part of recovery, helping to minimize swelling and support the healing process in the donor areas where liposuction was performed. You will need to wear these garments for 4 weeks full time and 4 weeks part time, or as advised by Dr. Fasano, to optimize your results and promote a smooth, contoured appearance.

While fat embolism is a known risk of fat transfer procedures, the use of ultrasound guidance significantly reduces this risk. Dr. Fasano’s advanced technique ensures fat is placed in the correct layers of tissue, avoiding sensitive areas such as blood vessels. This makes the procedure much safer and is one of the reasons it is endorsed by BAAPS.

You will start seeing results within a few weeks as swelling decreases, but the final results may take a minimum of 3-6 months to fully appear. This allows time for the transferred fat to settle and integrate into its new location. Following Dr. Fasano’s post-care instructions will help ensure the best outcome.

A small percentage of fat will be reabsorbed by the body in the first few months after a fat transfer. To maximize fat retention, it’s important to follow post-procedure instructions, such as avoiding pressure on the treated area and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Fasano’s ultrasound-guided approach also improves fat survival rates by ensuring precise placement and minimizing damage to the fat cells during transfer.